machinepack's projects

aleatory art generator

august 2 2023

web-based tool i made inspired by generative poetry and other automated artworks. i wanted to make interesting graphics. so i made this. interact with the sliders and values in order to generate your own unique piece of digital art. then, hit "Generate Art." you can print your art, or refresh the page to come back and generate a new one!

oblique strategies

july 26 2023

web-based tool i made inspired by brian eno's oblique strategies. more information within.

ocean stones

tater tales

june 21 2023

i've had a few little kids books on the back burner but i finally sat down w my gf and we translated some stuff that was previously only digital into real tangible items! in the process i touched a keyboard that had mold growing in it (public library...) and ruined some fabric scissors cutting out the pages! i was inspired by a lot of zines that i've seen around, honestly just any sort of self-publishing inspires me. when i go look for records i'm always on the look out for XXXX-001/000 because that means its the first release from a label, which usually means it indie, which usually means its some garbage with beautiful irreplicable charm. and i love it. this is my garbage. the medium of children's book was chosen for a couple reasons. probably the biggest one is because it's easy. HA! i am lazy. but there are some unique challenges in portraying something grand through such a small lens. and i love challenge! but yeah it's way easier than writing a novel or something. i made it entirely on my ipad. it is comprised of pictures that aren't mine (pls no sue!) which is kind of similar to how i make a lot of stuff; i love recontextualizing snippets into new context. yeah. that's about all i have to say! oh and go check it out at the public library.

tater tale

operation: "shirt"

january 12 2023

i read a book called dot com secrets which outlines marketing strategies for online businesses. i thought it was really funny and unbelieveable. i never really pursed anything remotely entrepreneurial so i tried out selling some shirts. the face i used for the design was made in a free browser based pixel art maker, can't even remember which one because the doodle was so insignificant to me. some first result on google type website. i took away a lot from the book but the main thing that stuck out to me was how insignificant the product could be. what really mattered was the marketing, subtle moments of psychological influence, etc. it's insane really, and immoral on large scales. i use the word "google" as a verb when I really just mean search. i replace the generics with kleenex, band-aid, taser, popsicle, dumpster, thermos, chapstick, etc. it's strange. it's really hard to properly reflect on this project because so much of it was based on real-time interaction and disappearing posts... which is totally a lesson in commerce! leave yourself open to random events, and capitalize on them at once!! i made a slew of content for this. i only put in one weekend's worth of time but by the end i had a website, multiple advertisements, the shirts, stickers, letters, shipping... turns out "jokingly" doing a small business is functionally identical to the real thing! huh.

below i included a video of the commerical i made for the product. there's also some pictures of ads i created, a screenshot of the website being sold out, and some various other pictures from the project. thanks to my friend as well for putting in a huge amount of work alongside me in realizing this silly thing.

catch the worm tomorrow

march 28 2022

catch the worm tomorrow is a short film or video i made in a day for one of my classes. it was based on the wikipedia page for Metalepsis. From wikipedia: "Metalepsis (from Greek: μετάληψις) is a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase from figurative speech is used in a new context."